
‘Ontological Sovereignty’ and Regional Sovereignty: S. Wynter’s Early Work and Education between London and the West Indies. Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA) 2024, Montréal, Canada, 12.08.24
Negotiation Zones of Knowledge: Theorising Colonial legacies and research and career-making in the South. Inaugural British Journal of Sociology Conference 2024, London School of Economics, London, United Kingdom, 16.04.24
Negotiation Zones of Knowledge: A sensitising concept of global social knowledge production. Invited Talk Seminaire ”Vers des sciences sociales non-hégémoniques”, Université de Paris-Cité, Paris, France, 23.01.24.
Circular academic mobility: Caribbean social scientists’ moving between the University of the West Indies and metropolitan institutions. Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA) 2023, Philadelphia, USA, 21.08.23.
Building a Research Tradition Against the Grain: The Historical Development of Caribbean Social Sciences. Making Space. Thinking against the grain in historical sociology CHS Mini-Conference at the ASA Annual Meeting 2023, Philadelphia, USA, 17.08.23.
Epistemic sovereignty in the West Indies: The New World Group in the 1960s. South-South Intellectual Exchanges: Networks, Actors, Theories, Impact; Session of RC08, History of Sociology XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, 30.06.23, online.
Institutionalizing and Decolonizing Anglophone Caribbean Social Sciences 1950-1990: Four Generations of Transnational Knowledge Production. Transnational Histories of Sociology; Session of RC08, History of Sociology XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, 29.06.23, online.
Negotiation zones of knowledge: Colonial legacies, research and career making by Caribbean social scientists. Invited Talk Robert K. Merton Center for Science Studies, Berlin, 22.02.23
Colonial scholars and anti-colonial agents: Academic mobility between the West Indies and the British Metropole in the mid-20th century. Bucerius Young Scholars Forum ’Histories of Migration’. German Historical Institute, Pacific Office, Berkeley, US. Workshop funded by the ZEIT Bucerius Stiftung, 10.- 13.10.22.
Herausforderungen einer postkolonialen Soziologie der Wissensproduktion. 44. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft fu ̈r Soziologie, Bielefeld. Sektionsveranstaltung der Sektion Kultursoziologie, ”Postkoloniale Perspektiven in der Kultursoziologie“, 27.09.22 (”Challenges of a postcolonial sociology of knowledge production”)
Decolonising the British Caribbean and its research in the 1960s: The ‘New World Group’ between activism and intellectualism. Governing (by) expertise. The politics of social scientific knowledge production Workshop at ENS Paris-Saclay, France. organised by IDHES ENS Paris-Saclay, CNRS and DFG-Network Political Sociology of transnational fields, 28.-29.04.22
Epistemic Injustice Put in Social Context: Practices of Social Knowledge Making in a Post-colonial Academic Order. Thinking at the Border: Post- and decolonial theory and epistemic injustice. Department of Education, University of Oxford, United Kingdom, 23.09.21 (online)
Theorizing the making of social knowledge and academic careers in the Global South. HERSS Summer School 2021, ’Making Theory Work’. Leibniz Center for Science and Society (LCSS), University of Hannover, Germany, 08.09.21 (online)
Organisationswechsel. Universität(sformen) im Austausch von Studierenden. Mitschriften. Formate universitärer Kritik. Workshop organised by M. Lehmann, Toepfer Stiftung, 28.11.17, Gut Siggen, Germany

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